

The challenge of the Rubik's Cube is positioning one cubie without disturbing others.

The buttons below offer a solutions to overcome this challenge.

  Buttons Click these 4 buttons
Brings the cubie OYG to its correct position: lub However, it will also move the cubies Red-Yellow-Green and Yellow-Green from their correct positions.
2) Places the cubie OYG elsewhere. (to protect it against the next rotation)
3) Restore the cubies RYG and YG to their original positions.
4) The cubie OYG now is in its correct position.
Brings the cubie OG to its correct position. However, it will also move the cubies Red-Yellow-Green and Yellow-Green from their correct positions.
2) Moves OG elsewhere in order to protect it against the next rotation.
3) Restore OW to its original positions: leb
4) The cubie OG now is in its correct position.

(Please note that in both cases the rotations follows the same pattern.)

The sequence above is the 'Sledgehammer': the algorithm used in this tutorial.

There are many other possible solutions. The advantages of this approach are: