To change orientation of a corner, just keep repeating the 'Sledgehammer'.
What if not so lucky?
that is the 'sledgehammer' adopted in "Basics".
Don't worry. just keep going .
The 'sledgehammer' can be used to move a cubie or to change its orientation.
The 'B' and 'D' cases are particularly boring because they require up to 5 repetitions.
that is the reverse of the 'sledgehammer' above.
However, using the reverse of the 'sledgehammer' adopted in the previous example, they become the most convenient.
The 'Sledgehammer' is a cyclic algorithm and repeats every 6 iterations
The REVERSE of a 'sledgehammer' is still a 'sledgehammer'.
A 'sledgehammer' and its reverse cancell each other.
The reverse of: